Visit with...


(less than 20 visitors)

Groups > 19 visitors.
Opening Time from 12/04 to 2/11/2014 every day by appointment
Condé Park & Castle  from 2:30pm to 5:30pm - except on monday every day by appointment
Condé Park & Treasure Hunting  from 2:30pm to 5:30pm - except on monday  every day by appointment
Animations, Evènements please see our blog Please contact us
Condé Park and Castle

The Condé Estate : Castle and park are open every day except on Monday from 12th April to 2nd November, from 2:30pm to 5:30pm


A good tour of the Condé Collections and interiors take one hour, for the park if you experiment the Family Treasure hunting it will take you one more hour.


To have a great experience of your visit, we friendly recommend you to download one of our free MP3 Audioguide below with the Map of the tour.